Monday, November 25, 2013

The Glove

Over the weekend, I sewed a "slot" for the flex sensor to sit when mounted onto the glove. I also soldered some hookup wire to the leads of the flex sensor that will attach to a breadboard away from the glove since mounting a breadboard and Arduino onto the glove would be difficult and cumbersome to both assemble and to wear. Additionally, I used heat shrink tube to help to strengthen the area where the hookup wire was soldered to the flex sensor, since the weight of the wires due to its length actually put a lot of stress on this portion of the flex sensor. Usually, it's recommended that the bottom of the flex sensor does not bend; otherwise you risk damaging the sensor.

Flex-sensor mounted onto the index finger of the glove. Note the blue heat-shrink tubing and the red and black hookup wire leads
- Dat

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